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We came a long way and many of us have moved through many stages of awakening. Living in a communist country for more than twenty years I was taught to be an atheist. Those twenty years were the first of my life so that you can imagine; there was a significant impact on my being. Now I am laughing thinking back. I was asking myself question as many people do today. Where is God? I cannot see him. We have telescopes; we flew into space and god is nowhere to be found. There is no heaven, and there is no God. We are just a happy accident; I used to believe. We have learned that in school and as good students, we have listened.

The thing is that no matter what we have taught, sooner or later we all will come to remember, we don’t have to discover who we are, we don’t have to search to find the origins, we just have to remember.

We have the first awakening realizing that God is there helping and listening to us all the time. There are too many “coincidences,” hard not to believe that they have been arranged for us. The beauty of awakening is that we just know. Is not a matter of belief, is a matter of knowingness, and no matter what others are saying does not affect us because we know, we have made the jump from being a believer to being a knower.

We only have to remember!

We use so much this word every single day: “remember.”

Let’s do a little bit of research because re-member itself it is a fantastic word. If you look in the dictionary you will find the following:


have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of someone or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past.

But then I was interested in the prefix “re.”


a prefix, occurring initially in loanwords from Latin, used with the meaning “again” or “again and again” to indicate repetition, or with the meaning “back” or “backward” to indicate withdrawal or backward motion

So, “remember” is, in fact, to be a member again. And that is a member of what? Then God gives us the answer: A member of God because that is how everything started. We are all sons and daughters of God and while your son is part of your family we are part of God’s family. We are God, same as our sons are us.

God created us, or we can say we are a spark of God. We have been made with love, and we are love. Moreover, the more we remember, the more awareness of love we have.

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